Motives by Loren Ridinger

Health and Beauty

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Market America: An Exciting Business

An Exciting Business

Thanks to a new friend I am learning about a business that is truly amazing. I am usually skeptical about businesses that offer me a chance to make money in just a short amount of time, but when I saw this business for the first time I knew it was for me.

I am part of a team who are really wanting me to succeed at this business. They are there to support me and help me any way they can. My team is excited about this business and it really works.

I can't wait for the next training session. As part of a team we have training sessions to learn more about the business and how to be successful with it.

If you are wondering what this business is all about I would love to tell you. The name of the business is Market America. I have talked with many who have proven over and over again that this business works just like it says.

This business gives me the opportunity to work from home and have the time I want to spend with my family and friends. It is true that working from home can isolate you from others, but what I have found about this business is that the more I learn about it the more I want to get out and tell others about it.

I have been working with one of my team members, Jennifer, the past couple of weeks showing the products and just telling people how they can become healthier and enjoy life. Jennifer and I, aka the go now girls, have been out of our homes talking about Market America and the products they have to offer. Every time we go out we find ourselves excited about what Market America has to offer and what it is doing for us.

If you really knew Jennifer and I you would know that we a generally shy girls and don't usually speak out. However we cannot be silent about Market America. It is an exciting business and we want people to know about it.

If you want to know more contact either Jennifer or me and we will gladly tell you about Market America and what it has to offer.

contact janice at
contact jennifer at

1 comment:

Kevin Mastaw said...

Janice and Jennifer - Thank you for a wonderful blog. I have owned a distributorship with Market America for 5 years, now, and the only problem I've had is with those who are not familiar with the company. They try to lump us in with the MLM's out there. But that's ok. After all, that's what marketing is all about - putting out the message. That's all we can do.

Best wishes in your endevours.

Market America GoNow Girls

Market America GoNow Girls
GoNow Girls