Changing Eeyores into Tiggers
This is the story of a woman on a mission. Her goal is to help others learn to stop being victims of society and learn to enjoy life. Her chosen vehicle of the moment is Market America. As an independent distributor with Market America, she can offer great life changing products as well as a proven business plan that will allow people to break free from traditional jobs and learn to live less like Eeyore and more like Tigger.
Motives by Loren Ridinger
Health and Beauty
Friday, March 30, 2012
Transitions Lifestyle
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Halloween Candy And Your Child's Health
Monday, October 17, 2011
Go Pink To Help Fight Breast Cancer
Friday, April 15, 2011
Staying Healthy
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
April is Pet Safety Awareness Month
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Rain Snow AutoWorks Clean Jeep
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The New Year And Your Dreams
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Having A Heart Attack
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Market America Shopping and Cashback
Monday, September 13, 2010
AutoWorks and Market America

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Motives By Lorin Ridinger
Monday, August 2, 2010
Back To School Shopping
Friday, June 4, 2010
Snap Cleaning
Monday, April 12, 2010
Get Paid to Shop Market America
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Clear Shield Mousse Skin Maximizing Protection - Beauty & Personal Care From Market America
This weekend, I tested the Clear Shield Hand Protection. I was working on helping a friend swap the axle and other parts form his off road Jeep to his new off road Jeep.
The biggest drawback for using the Clear Shield was the drying time. I had to stand around and rub my hands together for nearly five minutes before I could go to work. Since there were a lot of people to talk to at this event, I just walked around looking that the list of stuff to do while wringing my hands together. I did learn to plan ahead better.
Once the mousse dried, it was completely undetectable on my hands. No residue or sticky feeling.
I left it on until we took a dinner break. I washed my hands with soap and cold water in the shop sink and I was really surprised at how clean my hands were. There was not even grease under my nails.
In fact my hands did not look like I had been working at all. After eating, I applied another coat and went back to work. At the end of that wrenching session clean up was just as quick and easy.
Overall, I am really impressed with the Clear Shield.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Teenagers, Cosmetics and the Motives & ME program
What is the Motives and Me Program?
The Motives and Me program is perfect for teens who are looking to earn the cash they want, while having fun selling one of the hottest makeup lines in the country. It gives teenagers the opportunity to run their own business while being mentored and coached by a Motives Customer Manager. Customer Managers sign up a teen associate and assign the teen a Motives mini-website ( name).
The young entrepreneur can then refer customers to this website to purchase Motives products. With each sale, the Motives Customer Manager will give the retail profit from that sale to the teenager (after all, they made the sale happen!), while the Motives Customer Manager will receive the BV from that sale. Market America provides a platform, but is not involved in the underlying transaction between you and any teenager with whom you enter into a business relationship.
What are the major benefits for the teen?
Flexible schedule so teens can earn money when they want
Earn extra cash while having fun selling one of the hottest cosmetics lines in the country
What are the major benefits for the Motives Customer Manager?
Receive BV on all sales completed by their teen associate
Reach a consumer base of new rising trendsetters
What do I need in order to be eligible to participate in the Motives and Me Program?
The requirements are that you are a Customer Manager with an active Motives mini-website.
How do I sign up a teen for the Motives and Me Program?
It is easy. All you have to do is go to your UnFranchise Business Account and under the tab "other services" you will find the Motives Teen Associate program. There you can sign up a new teen or manage your current teen.
What are the costs associated with signing up a teen as an associate?
There are no costs associated with signing up a teen. The mini-site that the teens receive is free and is active as long as your Motives Cosmetics mini-site is active.
What are some ideas to get the teen started?
Get the teen signed up and acquainted with the Motives brand and their Motives and Me website so they can start sending out their website to their friends.
Show them how to manage their account and set sales goals with them so they have something to work towards.
Help them set up a makeup party with friends, by sharing your makeup with them and printing off invites from ma PrintCenter.
Encourage the use of word of mouth marketing including using Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Shop Market America
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Motives by Loren Ridinger and Market America
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Motives nail enamel by Loren Ridinger
After over a year of wishing Market America would add nail polish to their line of products I got exactly what I wished for. Just a few days ago I finally received my Motives nail enamel order and used it right away.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Market America Shopping
Save Money, Save Time, Save Your Energy
Are you tired of waiting in line? Are you tired of spending your time driving around mall parking lots looking for a place to park? Are you tired of buying something only to find out another store had the item cheaper? Here is a solution!
We just returned from a fabulous Regional conference in St. Augustine,FL. It was awesome! Market America has some wonderful new products out, and they are making it easier to shop from home.
How often do you wish you could just stay home and have your shopping needs met in one place. Market America can do that! You can find many of your top name brand stores right at your fingertip on one portal. They are even making it easier to shop by using the universal checkout.
You can even find great discounts and save money by shopping online. How many times do you get to the store with your young child and he/she starts asking for everything in sight. Or your child is tired and begins to cry while you are waiting to check out. You can avoid the hassle of this and shop from home using the Market America web portal.
It is wonderful! You save on gas, you save on time, and you can find great products and discounts. So why not start saving today! Shop online!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Allergies And Isotonix OPC3
Monday, January 12, 2009
Market America Isotonix and Transitions
It is now a new year and time to put those resolutions into practice. How many are looking to change their eating habits and get into shape? Who out there is wanting to get healthy and fit?
Check out the vitamin supplements and the Transitions lifestyle and get going with making changes in the way you look and even feel about yourself.
Go to and check out Isotonix and Transitions now.
Why keep saying that I will start tomorrow. Start today! Now is the time to make the changes that will get you into shape and help you to become healthier.
Transitions is a clinically proven system that is not a diet. It is a lifestyle change! The system is easy to follow and it will help you to become healthier and you will look and feel better.
Isotonix vitamins are supplements that are easy to take and have been proven to work. These vitamins come in powder form. When you mix these vitamins with water you can drink them and they go quickly into your system. Since they are isotonic they are quickly absorbed into the blood and start to work long before pill vitamins are digested.
So, do you want to make changes in your lifestyle and get healthier? Go to
and start making changes.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Online Shopping Mall
With my web portal you can shop in one place and price compare from over 3,000+ partner stores. There are over 35 million products in one place which means you will find just about everything you are looking for this Christmas!
Whether you are an avid Ebayer, Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, American Aeropostale shopper or any other store there will be something for you. We make shopping convenient for you.
Visit today. Signing up is free and there are no requirements at all. Everytime you shop you earn rewards towards free Market America products. It's that simple.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Online Shopping
Market America has over 3,000+ partner stores with over 35 million products. Plus they are powered by Google giving you the ultimate shopping experience. Earn rewards for great products as you shop.
If you are a Rachel Ray fanatic and love watching her television show be sure to keep an eye out for one of her give a ways this season. She will be giving a way a Motives silver cosmetic case along with the Motives cosmetics. Motives cosmetics is exclusive to Market America.
Other celebrities have endorsed Motives cosmetics such as Oprah, J Lo, and Latina magazine. Market America is a serious established business!
Going green in your household? We have a great line of all natural household cleaners that are concentrated giving you more bang for your buck. These cleaners are very comparable to leading brands without the harsh chemicals. And they last you a lot longer saving you money!
Make your online shopping experience easy. Stay at home in the comfort of your home warm and toasty this holiday season. No lines to stand in while the cashier is doing a price check, waiting for a buggy, or dealing with the holiday rush. Save gas and time by shopping online rather than fighting for a parking space or driving all over creation to get everything on your list. Shop online in one place that has all of your favorite stores!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Motives Custom Blend Foudations and Mineral Powders
Motives cosmetics are customizable cosmetics by Lorin Ridinger.
These cosmetics are unlike other cosmetics. As Motive Senior Consultants my friends and I can go to each customers home and customize the foundations and mineral face powders, blushes, and bronzers to the customers own skin.
We can determine the undertone of the customers skin and choose the colors that are the most flattering for the customer.
We have been trained by Laura Laire the top Motives trainer in the nation and she showed us how to blend the foundations, how to determine the undertones and how to blend the mineral powders.
Motives is unlike any other makeup I have seen. It makes you feel and look beautiful, and you can have it matched to your skin so that it appears as if you are not wearing makeup at all.
Check it out.
You can also check out the Motives cosmetics at
Friday, October 31, 2008
What is Market America? (To me)
Having a business portal is a wonderful opportunity to help others save time, money, sanity, and gas by having just one place to shop for all their needs. Who else offers 3,000+ partner stores with 35 million products and a rewards program? No one! There are imitators and most have already failed. Besides, Market America has an exclusive partnership with Google (search).com
Market America is a product brokerage and internet marketing company that specializes in one to one marketing. We give customers what they want.
There are so many business opportunities out there with only a handful most of us have heard of. Think about this: why would you want to invest in a business opportunity you have heard of when chances are your area is saturated already with sales reps? Majority of the time you are competing with a friend, family, neighbor or even a co-worker for a sale.
Try vertical distribution. Your team supports each other. Everyone shares the business volume. No competition!
No matter what your background is you have the support to back you up. Take my team for instance. I am a 31 yr old single mom of 3 kids and a Market America distributor since March and just recently Nicole who is a 28 year old single mom of 2 kids signed up. All of our team including our sponsors: Team leader: Mary Susan Rehrer, Janice & Mike Strawbridge (sponsors), Steve & Marlene Cradic, Lily Mitchell, Ana & Arnie Hernandez, and R.J. & Jo Velotti all have embraced us. Whatever questions we ask they are answered. We recently attended the 1st annual Women's Expo in Chattanooga where we divided nearly 200 names of people who had signed up at our booth to tell them about our products.
It doesn't matter if you are shy because when you do decide to join the shyness will be a thing of the past. I have met so many Market America distributors from all over who had been extremely shy. Thanks to Market America and their team members, these people have risen to the top holding their heads very high.
You will not find another business opportunity filled with so many passionate people. Listen to CD's or even go to You Tube and listen to J.R. and Lauren Ridinger talk about Market America and you will feel their passion for helping others create the life they have always dreamed of. Every single Market America success story has passion behind it.
If you would like to know more about this business opportunity click here to request additional information.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Motives cosmetics training
For me being a tomboy all of my life, learning about makeup this weekend was very fun. I enjoyed learning hands on and being the "guinea" for Laura Laire. She was so much more pleasant than I expected her to be. For a national Motives trainer Laura was in fact, quite awesome.
Janice, myself, Nicole and Marlene were the ones that attended and were local. The rest of the group resided in the Nashville, Knoxville or Georgia area although I believe there were supposed to be some from Florida.
I am proud of myself that I chose to attend all three days to become a Motives Senior Consultant! This means I can now custom blend foundations and mineral powders to my customers skin giving them their very own formula!
We have already planned our first skincare show along with a makeover to be held at Nicole's house the first week of November. This is a very exciting time for us.
I am already working on a give away for Janice and I to do at the next Chamber of Commerce Coffee.
I am definitely going to have to prove myself since my family and friends have been making fun of me since I attended training. In fact my mom and best friend were shocked I asked for a makeup bag and actually started using it!
Success at the Women's Expo
It was a long but very exciting day for all of us. For me, I ran out of business cards and had to make some home made ones! Janice tallied up the entries for our giveaways which totaled 175 people. With the others we spoke to at the table who also tried our stress buster cocktails (Calcium and the B complex) totaled approximately 200 people.
This was a great opportunity to build our people skills and our confidence talking to others. The passion of our business and the products really shined through for some of us!
Some of us have already made plans for the next years Women's expo as well as future events coming to the Cleveland/Chattanooga area.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Upcoming Motives Training
I also have the opportunity to become a Motives trainer to teach others in the future. This is very exciting! Most people look at me and cannot "picture" me as one interested in cosmetics. Well, it is kind of hard to be interested when you know nothing about it!
A few days ago Janice was told that people are coming in from other states like Florida to do the Motives cosmetics training. This is definitely dedication. You do not have to be a distributor to be trained. Distributors can invite guests motivated in becoming a distributor.
If interested in learning more about the business or Motives training click Here to email Jennifer.
Welcome our newest distributor!
Just like me, Nicole is a single mom. Recently, she lost her job though she did not let it get her down. Instead of dwelling, Nicole jumped right in with us on the team talking to her family and friends about Market America.
A couple of weeks ago we held a product show at her house which energized her and the people she invited to see the products. Nicole mentioned at the end of the night that what inspired her and the guests was the dynamic teamwork.
Teamwork is what we are about!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Women's Expo and Taste of Home Cooking School
We have been busy GoNow Girls throughout the summer, and it looks to be a very busy fall for us as well.
In October we are part of the Women's Expo and the Taste of Home Cooking School in Chattanooga,TN. This event takes place on October 21 at eh Chattanooga Trade and Convention Center. The Women's Expo and Taste of Home Cooking School is presented by Brewer Broadcasting in Chattanooga.
We are setting up a booth to showcase the products we have through Market America that help women deal with stress. We will be showcasing the Isotonix Calcium and the Isotonix B-complex. We will also showcase the Prime and Bliss. We have a wonderful Chattanooga team working together to help make this a very successful time.
For more information about the Taste of Home Cooking School and the Women's Expo go to
For information on the products mentioned go to or
Friday, October 3, 2008
The best home based business
Spending quality time with them is important to me. Being involved in their education is extremely important to me and especially to them.
Besides my own research, close friends have done plenty too. I personally did it because everything I had tried in the past turned out to be either a pyramid scheme, MLM, or beyond reach. I even turned to Ebay after finding what I thought was a great dropshipping find. A month later I was losing hundreds of dollars after my customers items were either defective or failing after a short time of use. I gave up for awhile and went to work.
Three and a half years later my friends introduce me to this business plan. I briefly look and decide to wait it out just to see how it goes for everyone else. Then I attend a meeting with several other people I know. I begin to get excited although cautious about it. First of all, I hadn't ever heard of this company. Secondly, getting all the information was quite overwhelming for a while. But what attracted me to the business was the fact I was not pushed to sign up right away. I attended several 2 & 3 hour meetings besides having a personal meeting with the team leader and my friend who would be my sponsor. I made sure to write down as many questions as possible. Every one of them were answered.
Six weeks after the first meeting I attended, I decided to sign up. Even my mom is excited about the business. The reasons? She has asked questions to my team leader during a product show held at her house. Mom has even used many of the products, shared products with family and co-workers. She has even sold some of the products for me!
The passion has begun to spread to the community I am in. All of the products sell themselves because they are products people want. Products work along with the constantly moving market. New things are added and others are eliminated to always fit the needs of the customers.
There is so much more I could say about this business. I may share it later perhaps in the next couple of weeks or few months. To learn more about the business or if you have any questions feel free to email me.
By far, this is the best legitimate home based business anyone can choose!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Preparing for the Women's Expo
We will be setting up a booth focusing on providing stress relief naturally. Our banner is titled Stress Buster Cocktail.
This is an exciting time for us as there will be at least 5,000 people expected there. We want to help others relieve stress naturally and not depend on prescription medications to help mask what is going on within them.
So if you are going to be in or near Chattanooga on October 21st stop by our booth and try a free sample. We will be there from 1pm to 9pm EST.
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Fab with Acai
Market America offers Isotonix Acai in 45 day servings. A powder form you add to water or another drink. 10 minutes it is working. All natural.
The price?
$49.95 plus shipping
No monthly commitment, subscriptions, etc. Buy it when YOU want.
Every time you do buy though, you earn rewards towards a free bottle of Acai or another product!
Shopping without the hassle
Christmas is coming soon. There is a little over 113 days until Christmas.
So what if you could shop online in one place for everything?
Earn Rewards everytime you shop.
No, I am not joking.
It's not a club, membership, or subscription. You just sign up for FREE.
Shop whenever you want to.
Market America offers 35 Million Products.
Have a college student looking for textbooks? You can get them through the portal
Gift Cards & Certificates? Buy those too
Dogs & Cats will even love the portal.
If you have a Hunter, Fisherman, or a sports fanatic in general we have the stores for you.
Stores like Target, Wal-Mart, ToysRUs, BassProShops, Sears, Nike and more all in one place. No hassles, long lines, price checks, or finding a parking place close to the door.
Save your sanity, time, and gas. Shop online in the peace of your own home.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
What's So Great About Market America?
Market America is growing in a very positive way. I learned that they have 2,500 partner stores and counting. Between Market America and the partner stores over 35 Million Products are offered.
35 Million products? Where else are you going to be able to find 35 Million products in ONE place? This is one convenient shopping area combining partner stores.
By the way, only offers 11 Million Products.
You can purchase gift certificates and cards in one place. Market America just launched their own gift card which they hope to link to their partner stores in the near future.
Besides shopping through a Market America Portal, you are rewarded everytime you shop. Points are good towards Market America products.
So you save money, time, gas and are rewarded. A friend of mine recently told me that a family member shopping through their portal even receives discounts which means they are saving money.
If you have someone who loves to download music, books, or magazines have them try out the downloads through Market America.
To be rewarded for shopping you must be a preferred customer through Market America. Signing up is free. Getting the rewards means shopping through the portal.
What are you waiting for?
Monday, August 11, 2008
What About Shopping Market America
I have just completed my first International Market America convention in Greensboro, North Carolina this weekend. It was an absolutely amazing journey. I learned about the new products that will soon be available through shopping portals everywhere.
Market America is coming out with new Istonix vitamins for children as well as two new Motives cosmetic lines and new foods for the Transitions lifestyle.
WOW! Market America is growing and expanding. With 35 million products along with the partnership with GOOGLE, Market America is on its way to the top in internet marketing.
The most amazing thing I learned is as a distributor I am part of a team that is like one big giant family. Market America is truly "built on product and powered by people".
Learning how we are all connected and are working together to change the world one customer at a time was energizing, exciting , and remarkable. I love people and helping someone make a positive change in his/her life is the most rewarding job around.
One of my focuses in Market America is on children. I feel very passionate about helping children to become healthier. I am all about making changes in children's' lives so they can have a more positive and healthy environment to play, grow, and live in.
Children are the future and I want to help break the molds of negativity where children end up on drugs, in jail, or dead. I am now helping children to alleviate stress to help them function better in school so they can get a good education. I work with Market America to help parents find a better solution to help children who are ADD, ADHD, or autistic. Children need better health care and Market America has products coming out to help deal with these issues.
Not only are we helping children, but we are helping parents to create a better and healthier lifestyle. With the vitamins and Transitions Lifestyle, Market America is changing the way people eat and think when it comes to health.
Are you ready to get on board and start making changes in your lifestyle? Remember, you are the only one who can change you. Go for it! You will feel better and look great! Check out and see what they have to offer.
One more thing. Market America also has PetHealth. I love my pets and I know anyone who loves their pet and thinks of him/her as part of the family wants the best care for them. Well, guess what? Market America can help you with the health of your pet. I have my pets on OPC3 for dogs and cats and I have seen a great improvement in them. My dog in longer has the allergies and he is full of energy. My cats have the most beautiful shiny fur I have ever seen, and they are also very energetic and playful.
For pet accessories you need to check out the new pet partner, Tails and Company. They have gift cards, pet beds, pet food, and even pet tracking devices to help you find your pet if he/she should ever get lost.
Market America has it all, and with the GOOGLE partnership you can search from the web portal and find what you are looking for. Why shop anywhere else. Why spend money on high price gas and give up your time too. Shop on-line at
Click here and start shopping.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Off to Greensboro!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
More Sales Training from Mary Susan
Using this technique ends that awkward period when you have presented the plan or a product to someone and they just were not ready to commit. Using this method, you no longer have to be afraid to talk to them. You will know just where you stand.
Click here to lead how to close sales leads.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Go Green with Market America's SNAP products
The SNAP products are Environmentally friendly and are made from biodegradable vegetable based ingredients.
Currently, I am having my family try out the SNAP All Purpose Natural Concentrate. Just one bottle replaces an entire cabinet full of the leading household cleaners. Everyone is pleased with the results as well as the pleasant smell it has.
The SNAP Laundry Detergent does up to 80 loads of laundry. You can use it in front and top loading washers, cleans in all temperatures and you can safely use it to wash delicates and baby clothes. This is one of my popular items from my family.
Do you like to use fabric softener? How about trying a non liquid fabric softener. SNAP fabric softener replaces up to 25 boxes of the leading brand, eliminates static cling and leaves clothes fresh and soft.
There are many more SNAP products including the disinfectant cleaner.
With going green becoming a widely popular thing to do, I recommend switching to SNAP products.
For more information visit my web portal here.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Awesome Sales Training Session!
I have to pause to give a huge shout out of THANK YOU! to Mary Susan for all she does to help our team grow.
She is a nationally known speaker and has been paid to speak in front of hundreds of people, but she still finds time to sit down at her kitchen table with us as a small group to share her secrets for success.
The tips she shared last night were amazing to me. I have worked in sales and marketing for a couple of different industries and I have never been taught these simple yet effective methods of organizing ones thoughts for success.
One of the things I most hated about sales was starting a conversation. Last night Mary Susan showed us how by using the right tools to create the right mind set, starting a conversation is easy and fun!
She also showed us how to avoid feeling overwhelmed and to take things just one step at a time. And she showed us how to know the right steps to take.
To learn more about one of the tools she taught us click here.
To learn more about our business plan or products, click here:
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Market America Products
We will be having a Skin Care and Healthy Home product show this Saturday at 11:000 in McDonald, TN. It will be at Sandra Hendrick's home (Jennifer's mom). Mary Susan Rehrer will be showcasing the wonderful Market America skin care products.
I love the Motives cosmetics especially the lip palette. The colors are beautiful and very up to date. I have just started using the Skintelligence moisturizer and I love how my skin feels. It is no longer dry, but has become softer and smoother.
Along with the skin care show, Jennifer will be showcasing the Market America home products. I have been using the home products and have found them to be wonderful. The laundry detergent and and fabric softener are fabulous. My in laws really like the dish washing crystals. They say that they use less of this product than any our dish washing crystals they has used in the past, and they get great results.
Our show is this Saturday at 11:00 in McDonald, TN.
If you have any testimonials about the Market America products let us know through your comments on the blog.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Another success Story!
Learn how this day care teacher and Mother of three turned her business into an outlet of personal freedom and adventure.
She has been interviewed by David Whited and we have the recording right here.
Click here to listen. (right click and click "save as")
Click here to learn more about her.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Market America & Personal Development
Yesterday the Market America team (Team Unity) and I traveled to Franklin, TN just outside of Nashville to hear Tom Holden from Houston,Texas.
Tom told us his story about how he came into Market America. He was literally eating Ramen Noodles to make ends meet. It took him over a year to get activated. Through it all Tom learned from the mistakes he had made along the way.
When David Whited recognized the up and coming/rising distributors he asked each one a question regarding what they have learned with Market America.
Majority of them pointed out Personal Development. They have come out of their shells to overcome their fears. They all enjoy helping others all the while they are gaining confidence.
Personally, I am in the beginning stages of overcoming my fear of people. Part of it is from the way I was raised, dealing with personal issues as an adult as well as my own desire to change me.
Hearing Tom speak yesterday really motivated me. He also spoke at a level I could understand and he was right when he personally told me that sometimes we make things hard on ourselves when it doesn't have to be that way.
On the outside Market America looks like any other business opportunity out there.
But it's not. Like many other Market America teams, my team supports each other. We all have the opportunity to put our two cents in, consolidate (if need be) and get things working in the right direction. The same holds true when we attend a local.
Attending the trainings helps build your confidence. You also discover that most of the other distributors around you share the same fears.
It is amazing to be connected with a company that trully does care about the people who help promote their products and services. How many other companies out there actually promote building confidence, team work and push for you to have a mentor?
You are trully not alone when you become a part of Market America.
Tomorrow is going to be a new and diffrent day for me focused on reaching my goal (as well as my entire teams) of becoming activated.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Make household cleaning easier with SNAP!
Many of us though have a collection of cleaning products ranging from disinfectants, window cleaners, all purpose cleaners, bathroom cleaners, scrubbing cleaners, etc.
Several months ago I was introduced to the darndest thing. SNAP! household cleaning products that are environmentally friendly, biodegradable and vegetable based.
The products are concentrated and combine many of the name brand household cleaning products into one product.
Along with some of my family members, I am using SNAP! All-Purpose Natural Concentrate. Just one bottle replaces an entire cabinet full of the leading household cleaners. It's ideal for dirty floors and grimy windows and is tough on dirt, but gentle on your hands. It also smells like bubble gum.
There is also the SNAP! Disinfectant Cleaner which replaces up to 36 bottles of the leading antibacterial cleaner. It cleans, disinfects and deodorizes. It can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, hospitals and pet kennels.
These are just two of the many products offered by the SNAP! Household cleaning product line. You may visit my website portal here to learn more.
You may also contact me directly if you have any questions or would like to try these products or have someone in mind who would like to try them.
This is truly a great line of safe household cleaning products I recommend other parents try!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Pet Health additions
Dogs are increasingly subject environmental irritants and exposure to pollution, resulting in a dingy, dry coat. In addition, dogs can also be plagued with dry, flaking and itchy skin. PetHealth™ grooming products are made of vegetable-based ingredients and are pH balanced, paraben-free, phosphate-free, alcohol free, preservative free and sulfate free.
Click here to learn more.
Or click here to read more about Smash.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Market America a scam?
Ten years ago I was married and had one child. I was a stay at home mom then. The very end of 1999 my family moved into our very first home and in 2002 we welcomed our second child. I wanted to continue to stay at home with our two children. I had to have a little income coming in though.
Everything out there though was either way to good to be true, a pyramid, or just a down right scam.
I even spent $50 on a book claiming to have jobs(making crafts,etc) from home. The quotas expected were way out of this world. I did try one and did not pass their initial inspection of the materials sent to me I had worked on.
I even tried selling on Ebay and had some success for awhile. I joined a drop shipping company that I thought was a great find. Until my buyers contacted me a few weeks later to find out how they could get their items replaced or repaired.
Needless to say I lost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. I was burned and tired.
There are many good business opportunities out there but most of them we all have known for many, many years and of course our areas are saturated anyways.
Earlier this year I found out about Market America. My emotions, I admit, were like a roller coaster. I would get excited and then concerned.
At times I felt overwhelmed with all the details about Market America. But I took a step back and talked a lot with my best friends as well as my team leader.
Teammates did their own research. Even on our team leader.
No one could find a negative comment about Market America that had any merit at all.
In March I signed up to be a distributor after hearing Bruce Holder speak in middle TN.
I have since done a lot of research on my own. In fact, I even joined a forum called I could find anything negative about MA there.
I have asked others particularly on Ebay why they were selling their distributor materials. All of them have decided they didn't have time to work on Market America.
Time was a big concern for me. I'm a single mom of 3 children now with only the support from my two best friends. I'm still charging full speed ahead with my business.
I have never expected it to be easy. I knew I was and still do know I have to work hard at it.
Like most things my closest friends know I am going to do research. I have spent countless hours learning more about MA besides listening to all the CD's and reading all the magazines and manuals MA gives you.
More than that, it's not even Multi-Level Marketing! You own your own business yet work as a team.
Other opportunities claim you work as a team but do you get treated the same way? I think not.
So the answer is Market America is Not a scam.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Market America: An Exciting Business
Thanks to a new friend I am learning about a business that is truly amazing. I am usually skeptical about businesses that offer me a chance to make money in just a short amount of time, but when I saw this business for the first time I knew it was for me.
I am part of a team who are really wanting me to succeed at this business. They are there to support me and help me any way they can. My team is excited about this business and it really works.
I can't wait for the next training session. As part of a team we have training sessions to learn more about the business and how to be successful with it.
If you are wondering what this business is all about I would love to tell you. The name of the business is Market America. I have talked with many who have proven over and over again that this business works just like it says.
This business gives me the opportunity to work from home and have the time I want to spend with my family and friends. It is true that working from home can isolate you from others, but what I have found about this business is that the more I learn about it the more I want to get out and tell others about it.
I have been working with one of my team members, Jennifer, the past couple of weeks showing the products and just telling people how they can become healthier and enjoy life. Jennifer and I, aka the go now girls, have been out of our homes talking about Market America and the products they have to offer. Every time we go out we find ourselves excited about what Market America has to offer and what it is doing for us.
If you really knew Jennifer and I you would know that we a generally shy girls and don't usually speak out. However we cannot be silent about Market America. It is an exciting business and we want people to know about it.
If you want to know more contact either Jennifer or me and we will gladly tell you about Market America and what it has to offer.
contact janice at
contact jennifer at
Saturday, April 19, 2008
For the pill poppers
I also forget to take them probably because I just don't like taking them.
Even though I have had allergies since I was a baby I had to take allergy medications. Most of the time they were in pill form. The aftertaste was horrible.
My other alternative to alleviating my allergies was to take the shots-that was even worse than taking a pill!
A couple of weeks ago after being nudged for at least a month, I decided to try Isotonix OPC-3. I hadn't taken a vitamin supplement since I was expecting my third child four years ago. Even then I couldn't stand taking pills.
I had considered chewables for my kids and then I could take those with them. But I was concerned my youngest two who are boys would consider them candy and ingest way too many leaving them very sick.
Then I was introduced to Isotonix OPC-3. It's in powder form. All I use is the tiny capful in the measured plastic cap it comes with and I add water (distilled preferrably). Within minutes it is working, significantly better than the mere pill form. And guess what, you don't have to worry about overdosing. Your body takes in what it needs and flushes the excess out. That's amazing since so many vitamins and medications out there you can overdose causing serious health issues.
My complexion has cleared up immensely, my allergies no longer bother me (it's Spring time too!), my hair is growing longer like i've wanted and I have the energy I need to get through the day.
I am thankful I have found a product that helps me in many ways to improve my health and stamina. OPC-3 is Market America's top selling product. Try it today and you will see why. For more information regarding OPC-3
Friday, April 18, 2008
Health and Wellness
Last night the gonow girls helped to host a health and wellness mini seminar. We had a wonderful time and made contacts with people who are looking for a way to stay healthy.
Our team members were there to support us and to also show the products. Mike started things off talking about the detox we offer. It is called NutraClean. He explained the benefits of the detox and how ones body needs to get rid of the toxins. He then went on to explain about the Greens and how they replace the minerals that our bodies use up throughout the day.
Next, Jennifer gave her testimony about the OPC 3 and how it has changed her life so she can get out and have fun even during the allergy season. You can read her blog post here.
Steve Cradic spoke about the Calcium and how our body needs more calcium. He also explained how our body loses calcium and that when it needs to replace it, it draws it from the bones. Our calcium supplement is a great way to replenish the calcium lost from our bodies.
Joann Velotti spoke about the Transitions Lifestyle and how we can change our ways of eating without doing all the crazy diets. Her husband RJ spoke about how everyone works out. Whether we are at the gym or cleaning house we all get some kind of workout. He talked about the product called Torch.
After this Mike talked about the digestive enzymes and the aloe drink.
To learn more about these products go to
To learn more about OPC 3 go to
"Become Empowered to make positive changes in your life"
Some of the people I have been surrounded by including family have had negative attitudes about issues. They dwell on their problems including health ailments.
Almost four years ago my life took a dramatic turn. While it seemed really bad in the beginning I have done a lot of growing in a positive direction.
In 2006 I attended a discipleship class at the church I was a member of called Making Healthy Choices. The class was moderated by Mike Strawbridge who eventually became my Life Coach.
From then on I have stayed on a firm path towards a positive, fulfilling and stable life. Which is why I have now created my very own website dedicated to empowering others to make positive changes in their life.
Some of the things I have learned have been quite simple most people will overlook.
One of the things I tell people who are going through problems right now is when you first wake up in the morning think and or say outloud at least three things you are grateful for in your life. The more the better though. Try doing the same thing before you go to bed at night.
Coming soon to my website will be a page dedicated to affirmations. I will also be working with others who have created their own affirmation cards that will be available for purchase.
I have been reminded as well that I must be conscious of my health and eating habits. Being a single mom always on the go, I do not always eat well. In fact I received a hint from a message I received in my fortune cookie a couple of days ago when I went out to eat with Janice. I was told I must take care of my health and eat my vegetables!
Part of my plan to become healthier right now is taking a vitamin supplement.
For three weeks I have been taking Isotonix OPC-3. Not only has it helped improve my health it has completely stopped my allergies. I have had Asthma and allergies since I was 1. That was 30 years ago. I have taken countless over the counter and prescription allergy medications. One thing I really hated about them was the drowsiness side effect. I actually had one that my body got so used to it quit working. My other option was to begin taking allergy shots for the rest of my life and becoming a recluse.
It has also cleared up my complexion and I've noticed my hair has finally begun growing again.
OPC-3 has been amazing for me. I recommend it to everyone I know that has allergies to try OPC-3. At the health and wellness shows I have attended there have been testimonies that OPC-3 within a few days of taking this product they have seen drastic results.
I was skeptical about OPC-3 working for me but I tried it anyways.
For more information visit this informational page about OPC-3
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Health and Wellness mini Seminar
The Seminar will feature Mary Susan as guest speaker. Mary Susan is not only their trainer in the business, she is also a registered nurse who now specializes in natural healing through diet, nutrition and natural supplements.
Co working
While working from home offers exceptional freedom, it also offers isolation. Now sometimes isolation is a good thing, but being isolated every day can lead to a lack of creative expression and lower performance.
By teaming up, Janice and Jennifer aka the go now girls, can do much more than each of them working alone. They motivate and support each other.
The Market America business plan offers an exceptional vehicle for this type of arrangement. The Market America vertical distribution system allows them to share customers and commissions without any competition between the two.
CNN has an interesting article on how other home based business owners are banding together to enhance their own efforts.
For more information on the Market America Vertical distribution system, Click here.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
first post
For more information see:
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Market America GoNow Girls
GoNow Girls